About sessions
Age 8-10 and 11-13
Where Microsof Teams live
When Daily sessions, check timetable
Requirements Knowing times tables, access to a computer/laptop with camera and microphone
Price Memberships from £24
Length 1 hour in total

About me

Math with Emma was born combining my love for math and passion for working with children. I am a lifelong learner , dedicated to constantly improve this platform with the aim to reach as many children as possible. 


Emma Ramute Jonutyte 

Founder/ tutor 



Katie Gilbert 

" My daughter Alex loves math and these sessions are great . She also enjoys seeing other children and loves the competitiveness of this game. Many thanks Emma" 


Martin Nowak 

" Sam has a dilemma now : basketball practice or math with Emma... He'd like to do more sessions in the future but for now, he cannot wait until Sunday's session. He is very proud of himself for " nearly" getting the target number 😄🤗 "